

Page history last edited by Darren Kuropatwa 1 year, 6 months ago

U of M VLC Symposium


Agenda December 27, 2006 (9pm)



Minutes December 13, 2006 (9pm)

  • George (15 Minutes): Skills and mindsets
  • Clarence (15 minutes): Studio model, overview of the grade 7/8 classroom
  • Darren (15 minutes): Overview of the grade 10-12 classroom
  • Wrap and Q&A (15 minutes): Did You Know video - Are you preparing your students for this world?
  • Next meeting: December 27, 2006 at 9 pm


Food for thought ....

Might this be useful for our presentation, maybe as an intro before George speaks?

(via Marco Torres, made independently by his former students.)




What's most interesting about this video is that the kids did it themselves; on their own initiative. It wasn't for a school assignment or project. It was spawned from the frustration they felt following their first year's experience at university; what should be the highest quality education and pedagogy but wasn't. None of the kids in the video attend the same university, they never met face-to-face to produce or edit it. They planned and edited it using IM. Each had their footage shot locally and then they shared the files over the internet. Marco provided editorial assistance. Watch the credits at the end. They chose to do the credits in the same format they used to produce the video.


Another video from Marco ...




Minutes November 15, 2006 (3:30 pm North America CST)


  • different people in different rooms, we'll be in k12 room
  • already have 1 student grade 9 in a multimedia programme
  • how students use tech for formal and personal learning
  • 2 kids from DMCI (Darren will find them), comfortable speaking in front of adults -- similar to the podcast link Clarence shared
  • we have LOTS of questions, might not get through them all
  • different demographics: 18+, senior univ. levels, k12, first year univ.(still looking for them), faculty
  • one hour sessions w. moderator and synthesizer (condense it to bring back to larger group)
  • responses 30 min before lunch.
  • lunch at university club


  • about teaching
  • we 3 give lead off presentation - Themes: digital natives/immigrants, have students really changed?, ....
  • differences btw. Clarence's kids and Darren's (rural vrs. urban)
  • Central Question: How has or should formal learning adapt to the changing nature of informal learning?
  • break out (in same room) afterwords, moderated by Clarence, Darren, and ...
  • audience: univ. type folks ;-)
  • 1 hour long, 1:15 - 2:15
  • Breakouts: What tech do you use in teaching, have you changed, do you feel pressure to change? How do you apply this in your practice?





Agenda November 15, 2006 (3:30 pm North America CST)


  • purpose of this working group
  • establish timeline
  • set next meeting time
  • other


Here's what I have for the blurb for the morning breakout sessions. I'm hoping that Darren and Clarence will moderate the breakout for K-12. I have one Grade 9 student from Arthur Leach who has volunteered to be involved. Darren can you ask 2 students from your school to volunteer. I have also added a page on the ModeratorQuestions.


The morning breakout sessions will explore how today’s learners approach both formal and informal learning. Session facilitators will guide discussions with learners who have agreed to describe:




  • how they learn,
  • how they see teaching (the role of the instructor/guide), and
  • the technologies they use to accomplish their learning goals.



Each breakout group will focus on a particular learner demographic: high school students, first year undergraduate university students, senior year / graduate students, and lifelong learners (faculty).



The session will end with participants summarizing what they discovered about:




  • whether learners are different today,
  • whether learning is different today, and
  • whether technology fundamentally has changed the way in which knowledge creation and distribution occur.





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