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on January 22, 2007 at 9:34:31 pm

I blog in two places: a professional blog about teaching and learning in a 2.0 world, and a classroom based portal where all of the essential links for my class are located and where I am an equal member of the learning community of my classroom.


In the work that I do in my classroom, I emphasize several distinct trends and ideas:



Learning works best when we begin to harness the potential power of networks. Forming flexible and fluid learning networks that are based on learning needs and not on geography is an essential skill for learning in the 21st century.

- Read Yochai Benkler's The Wealth of Networks

- Watch this video by Stephen Downes on the differences between groups and networks.




Student Choice

Students perform at their highest levels when they are invested in what they are learning. I believe in the gradual release of control and giving students a certain amount of choice in what they are learning, how they are learning it, and how they represent their growing understandings of that topic.

- Read this post by one of my students about their personal learning network.


Studio Classrooms

The idea of studio is extremely important. Studios are spaces where learning happens intensely in ways that allow for critique and the modification of ideas. Studios can be globally distributed and connected. Stuios operate with a distinct rhythm and with different timelines and guidelines. Here is an example from a university based classroom.

- Read this wiki with links to other articles about studio learning spaces.


Changing Literacies

Finally, the entire concept of what learning is, and the skills that are required to be considered literate are undergoing rapid change. Knowledge has a falling half - life and comes from many legitimate channels. Listen to the presentation I gave for the K12 Online Conference on this topic.

- See this post called Two Questions where I ask the students in my class to think about the differences between writing online and off.


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